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Climate Schools Programme Want to engage your students to explore solutions to tackling climate change? Through making a wind turbine, investigating renewable energy sources, acting as ‘governments...
Free resources for climate, sustainability and nature-based learning for EYFS through to KS4. Eden’s learning materials help teachers bring authenticity and a focus on learners’ agency to teaching and...
Eden Project’s free wildflower resource bank supports teachers to create space for nature, and for nature-connected learning, by planting wildflowers. Wildflowers are a great way to bring colour an...
The Climate Adapted Pathways for Education (CAPE) reports provide evidence-informed guidance for educators and school leaders to implement high-quality climate change education (CCE). They emphasise t...
We recognise that the climate crisis presents significant risks and harms to children, both emotionally and physically. We approach the climate crisis as a child safeguarding issue, and provide guidan...
ThoughtBox learning resources and teacher training online and in-person courses for Primary and Secondary are designed using the Triple WellBeing competencies framework to help strengthen personal, so...
These free webinars will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, teachers and practitioners with advice and guidance on taking a whole-school approach to sustainability in secondary schools, ...
This academic centre provides research-informed professional development for teachers and school leaders across all phases, subjects and career stages. Resources for educators include free, research i...
ThoughtBox provides online and in-person teacher training courses for Primary and Secondary schools. Their Training Academy offers a range of online and in-house CPD workshops, hosted and facilitated ...

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