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Burton and South Derbyshire College has been on its net zero journey for a number of years. During this time they have made significant steps forward following the Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleg...
The Green Careers Hub is a resource designed to showcase the importance of green skills and green jobs. We have a vision of a world where all jobs are greener; we believe that everybody has the abilit...
The Green Book is an initiative for the whole theatre, working with sustainability experts Buro Happold, towork more sustainably. In three volumes it sets standards for making productions sustainably,...
This academic centre provides research-informed professional development for teachers and school leaders across all phases, subjects and career stages. Resources for educators include free, research i...
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) recognises the vital role the Further Education (FE) and Training sector has to play in combating climate change and achieving sustainability and social jus...
The Climate Action for UK FE Colleges Roadmap has been developed in collaboration between Climate Commission and award-winning management consultancy, Nous Group. The Roadmap provides clear actions an...
The John Muir Award encourages people of all backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places. It is an environmental award scheme focused on wild places, it is inclusive, accessible and no...
The Green Gown Awards are open to all post-16 educational institutions (further or higher education institutions, work-based or adult and community learning providers) in the UK and Ireland. The Award...
As one of the key initiatives of the DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy (2022), The DfE Climate Leaders Award will complement classroom learning and allow us to celebrate and recognise e...

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