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Zero Carbon Schools, a programme run by Green Schools Project, revolves around a series of pupil sessions suitable for Years 4 to 9 which enable them to explore the climate crisis, investigate their s...
Climate Schools Programme Want to engage your students to explore solutions to tackling climate change? Through making a wind turbine, investigating renewable energy sources, acting as ‘governments...
Climate Change All Change is a charity that brings designers into primary schools to work with Year 5 children on an extended creative project that responds to climate change. The practicing design...
Burton and South Derbyshire College has been on its net zero journey for a number of years. During this time they have made significant steps forward following the Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleg...
Online Sustainability Leadership programme designed to prepare teacher leaders for the vital role of bringing regenerative change for sustainability to their school community, themselves and the plane...
PAPPUS is an Erasmus+ funded programme offering playful springboards into learning, using commonly found plants as a context, resource and inspiration. PAPPUS brings together educators from six Europe...
Chester Zoo’s resource packages bring together collections of free resources into manageable structures to help support teachers to navigate them. Climate Change and Sustainability, A Rainforest...
This free report reviews the curriculum for KS3 and KS4 in the English National Curriculum, covering subjects ranging from History to Art and Design. Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology ...

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