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Climate Awards

Looking to ignite your pupils’ interest in taking ‘climate change’ action today? Young ClimateWarriors offers free, simple, fun, do-able age-appropriate challenges for children aged 7-14yrs – wi...
The John Muir Award encourages people of all backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places. It is an environmental award scheme focused on wild places, it is inclusive, accessible and no...
The Green Gown Awards are open to all post-16 educational institutions (further or higher education institutions, work-based or adult and community learning providers) in the UK and Ireland. The Award...
The Eco-Schools programme, for Early Years, Primary and Secondary, provides a simple, seven-step framework for tackling climate and sustainability in schools, whilst empowering young people to make a ...
As one of the key initiatives of the DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy (2022), The DfE Climate Leaders Award will complement classroom learning and allow us to celebrate and recognise e...

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