We recognise that the climate crisis presents significant risks and harms to children, both emotionally and physically. We approach the climate crisis as a child safeguarding issue, and provide guidance and information that centres children’s needs. We educate adults with safeguarding responsibilities on the application of the legal and policy framework in the UK, and the use of this to meet children’s needs. Our framework identifies contextual risks/ harms as a safeguarding issue and provides clear and timely systems and structures to effectively respond. We advocate for contextual community conferencing to address climate child safeguarding concerns, and equip communities to engage other stakeholders into the discussion and implementation of actions to protect children.
The website provides resources and information to empower communities to identify the risks/ harms, the confidence to act, and the knowledge to apply legal and policy structures/ systems to do so effectively. We also provide short workshops to groups to introduce the topic and consider how to put this aspect of our safeguarding framework into practice locally.