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Careers and Green Skills
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Careers and Green Skills

Sustainable Futures is a free careers programme to support students aged 14-18, and which addresses the urgent need to prepare young people for the future job market. The programme enables students to...
Learn more about green careers with STEM Learning Green Career resources which are free to access. The resource collections help schools and young people to understand the wide variety of opportunitie...
Green Careers Week aims to promote any career that helps to protect and restore the planet. Green Careers Week has been launched by National Careers Week, with STEM Learning and the UK Space Agency to...
GEO-6 for Youth is a one-stop-shop for a young person to understand the state of the environment, what they can do every day to drive markets to adopt environmentally sustainable products and services...
Neon brings together the UK’s best engineering experiences and inspiring careers resources to help teachers bring STEM to life with real-world examples of engineering. Primary and secondary scho...
This report, published in 2022, explores the drivers, enablers and barriers in the transition to green skills for a green UK economy. By engaging with the private and public sectors and using mixed me...
BBC Bitesize have collated a wide range of green career profiles which show how traditional jobs such as garden designers, structural engineers and primary school teachers can be transformed into gree...

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