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Burton and South Derbyshire College

Burton and South Derbyshire College

Burton and South Derbyshire College has been on its net zero journey for a number of years. During this time they have made significant steps forward following the Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleges. The College has published its sustainability ambitions on its website including a specified target in achieving net zero. They have established a Sustainability Action Group of representatives from around the college with representation from all teams. This group has created an action plan, aligned to the roadmap, that outlines the colleges path to net zero ensuring key sustainability actions and targets are met. Achievements to date include meat free Mondays in all college eating areas, a vocationally specific and embedded sustainability curriculum, accredited training for key staff in Carbon Literacy with a bespoke version of this training delivered to Governors and staff, annual measurement of the Colleges carbon footprint with this being off-set through Carbon Neutral Britain and the sustainability agenda embedded in the Colleges learner voice activities ensuring that learners have a clear say in how their College can operate in a way that has less negative impact on the world. 
Learn more by visiting their website: College becomes a Carbon Neutral Organisation (bsdc.ac.uk)

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