DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy – Education estate and digital infrastructure

The National Education Nature Park has the potential to address climate anxiety. “By improving the physical environment in and around education settings, we can impact positively on both the physical and mental wellbeing of children and young people.”
Can climate education help with eco-anxiety?

This article from the British Science Association argues for nature connection as a way to support student well-being.
Developing (Transformative) Environmental and Sustainability Education in Classroom Practice

This editorial argues for the use of transformative learning pedagogies to stimulate deep ‘third-order’ learning.
Facing Anxiety in Climate Change Education: From Therapeutic Practice to HopefulTransgressive Learning

This research based article argues that critical emotional awareness should be included in climate education.
GPE – Towards a pedagogy for climate action

This blog argues for a range of active pedagogies in climate education so that children can become agents for change.