the Case

Climate change is a huge issue for our planet, and our children will be the most affected. In addition to the physical threat, climate change is taking a massive mental health toll on children with eco-anxiety on the rise. Children today will face many more extreme weather events than generations before them and 77% of children are more concerned about climate change than anything else (BBC). Climate education has enormous potential to educate and empower students to take climate action and reduce eco-anxiety, but it is currently being underutilised. In fact, if just 16% of children in middle & high income countries receive climate education – it would have the same impact as removing 504 million cars from the road. To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to all the cars in Europe and 1/3rd of the cars in the world (Brookings Institute).
In fact, if just 16% of children in middle & high income countries receive climate education - it would have the same impact as removing 504 million cars from the road.
To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to all the cars in Europe and 1/3rd of the cars in the world (Brookings Institute).

i. BBC: Climate change: Children don’t feel listened to says Unicef – BBC Newsround
ii. Lancet: change to British Science Association: Download.ashx (
iii. Brookings: The world’s children are already suffering from climate change | Brookings
iv. Change UN to Reading University and add link: Climate Education Summit – University of Reading